My mind is my weapon, and other non-important issues. I'm totally amazed with what people can do out there. Surfers that take on huge waves, climbers that push their bodies and mental focus to the limit. You'll also find videos and news reports of crap I find interesting.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Indian Rock One of the Greatest bouldering areas in CA

The Impossible Traverse from ByronWolter on Vimeo.

I don't know how many times I've bouldered at this amazing spot which sits deep in the heart of Berkeley. This was the location for my first v4-v6 boulder problems and now that I live in TX I miss this place dearly. This problem is INSANE. All I got to say is the long reach with his right had is to a hold called the Ginseng hold (named after the knives). I once split all the tips on that hold trying to pull my big ass up impossible wall.

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