My mind is my weapon, and other non-important issues. I'm totally amazed with what people can do out there. Surfers that take on huge waves, climbers that push their bodies and mental focus to the limit. You'll also find videos and news reports of crap I find interesting.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Call of Duty Escalation just a few short weeks away!!!!!

I don't know what you guys thought of the last map pack, but it got old quick. I think Trayarch new that and was quick to get out these new maps. Below is a brief discription of whats in the new map pack.

  • Hotel – This map takes place on the roof of a luxurious Cuban hotel and casino. That’s right, players will take the fight to Cuba in a classic rendition of the well-known city of Havana. I'm not to stoked on this one cause they have done this before. How about fighting inside the hotel and being able to travel to multiple floors with a massive ballroom or courtyard?
  • Convoy – Convoy’s location is based off of an American convoy that has been ambushed by enemies. There is said to be a lot of close-quarter combat in this level, so nobody would blame you if your soldier was running around with a shotgun. This map sounds cool, and would be really cool if you could get into a vehicle.
  • Zoo – Set in an abandoned and war-torn zoo in Russia, this map promises plenty of excitement and danger at every turn. Don’t be surprised if you see monkeys sitting around in their cages here. This Map sounds pretty cool as long as there are animals out there that will kill you if you get to close. Kind of like the dead zone area the last map pack.
  • Stockpile – Stockpile takes place in an old Russian farm town, but this location isn’t nearly as quaint as you may believe it to be. The farm town houses secret WMD facilities, which makes for an interesting twist on the locale. We have all played a farm town environment before so it will be interesting to see the changes from that last one.

Yes, Yes I do sound a little pessimistic, but these guys need to come up with some new ideas. Other games are just going to capitalize on what COD is not doing. There is a STRONG chance that when Battle Field 3 comes out COD is going to the used game rack, and I'm not going to be the only one doing this. What do you think? Comment Below.  

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